Self Help Documentation
EAT – Expected Approach Time
EAT is a abbreviation of “ Expected Approach Time “. It means a time of a thing like Plane, vehicle, bus or train. Generally it is used after delay.
What does Mean “EAT – Expected Approach Time” in Other Languages?
German (Deutsch)
Erwartete Anflugzeit.
Turkish (Türkçe)
Beklenen Yaklaşım Zamanı
Arabic (عربى)
النهج المتوقع الوقت
Atendata aliro-tempo
Russian (русский)
Al Bakiyye (ᒍ Ḷ⟓৬)
Veitatada nortemo
For Example:
We are waiting our VIP airport transfer car. I called the worker of the agency. He informed me, that the EAT is 30 minutes.